Wednesday 16 August 2017

SPEC Horses


  1. Hi Mikayla!

    My name is Ellee and I will be blogging with you this summer for the Summer Learning journey!

    This is such a cool picture...I love how the horses move! I think it is amazing that you want to be a horse vet when you are older that sounds like a great job! Do you just have horses on your farm or other animals too? (I think I like cows the best)
    Do you do horse riding competitions like in the picture?
    I am really excited to maybe learn more about horses from you and hopefully see some other exciting posts over the Summer!

    If you want to check out the Summer Learning Journey website you can follow this link:

    Here is also a link to the weekly activities:

    Remember each activity is worth points so make sure once you’ve finished an activity post it up on your blog so we can add it to your total!

    Hopefully I'll see you blogging over the summer soon!

    Ellee :)

  2. Hi Cuzzy,

    Its me Sophie and you know where I'm from.

    I like the GIF horses and how you have a lot of information on your slides, but I think you might need a bit more information!
    I can tell you have tried hard on this! I did find some spelling and grammar mistakes but its easy.

    Blog Ya Later

    Heres the link to my blog :


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